Wednesday, September 11, 2013

thoughts about social scenografy- no space is innocent

where do these projections of a REAL public space are coming from? where this desire is formed? or what are the origins of this desire?
important aspect of time as duration in/on space for decoding inherent structures of space(s)

layers for layers, they need time to step through, step through different surfaces of appearance

an archeology of understanding?
understanding of what?
time creates depth?
through just staying
through implanting physical immobility
what can become specific in an urban mapping, a mapping via physical crossing of space (individual, group focussed or as a group) and at the same time observation of the own perceptions (analysis of conditions)?
what are these space as political territories, as social belongings, as scenografies of relations and desires? as carthografies of economies and potential trade and migration?
zones for segregation

system of bagging
who where how?
systems of re- organisation

where are scenografies findable in the public sphere?
what do they qualify?
how they inform the social stage, the imaginary space and the narrative about a space?
what is their material?
their intervention?

a physical setting for / of group as a social scenografy implemented in an already informed space.

no space is innocent

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